Monday, September 20, 2010

A Chance Meeting {a short film} guessed it - my brother, sister, and I filmed a movie together. I think we did this a few months ago...maybe in June? I only just had the opportunity to put it all together, camera produced files that I couldn't use on my version of Movie Maker. So, here is the finished product. (Oh yes...and please excuse the trash cans...of course we had to film it when they were out! ;)  ) I'd love to hear what you all think about it - you can comment and tell me! =)

You'll have to click on this image in order to view the video...I'm sorry that embedding it didn't work.



Mattea said...

Wow! That was such an amazing video. I loved how it was just so plain...and 'oldish'. hehe - Maria's face was priceless.

I like your neighborhood!


Hannah Rose Beasley said...

Ha ha...thanks, Mattea! Yeah, we had a lot of fun doing it. ;)