Want to start with some photos? Okay, good. In the fall I did our family’s school/family photos at Laurel Hill – the birthplace of Jeb Stuart. (Southern General of the Cavalry – amazing, funny, brilliant guy who did wonders for the CSA) Laurel Hill is absolutely gorgeous and we had a blast.
Notice the photo in the bottom right-hand corner just above? Well folks, that is my sister in the civil war dress I made – in a “Gone With the Wind – Literally” pose. =D I’m going to try to sell the dress, and I needed her to model it. Needless to say, we had some fun. =)
Ready for more words? Okay.
This week I’ve been doing double my normal work load – mostly in terms of homework. Because I’m taking my college classes online I have the ability to complete and turn in homework on my own schedule – and this week I did twice as much as required. Why? Well, next week has been designated sewing week. I’m entering the JoAnn Prom Dress contest again, and all of next week will be dedicated to planning, cutting, and sewing the dress! I am very excited because I will be designing a very special dress.
Hint: it’s a pretty girly color; has lots of flounces, beads, and tulle; and is celebrity inspired!Try to figure it out if you like. =D I don’t want to post a photo of my “inspiration” because I’m afraid my idea might be stolen. ;) But I will most surely post photos of the dress once it’s finished!
(Hint #2: the celebrity may just be Carrie Underwood. ;) )
In other news – my reading stack is frighteningly tall. It’s actually taller than it is here in the photo.
Notice any common theme? Yep, you got it – the Civil War. *sheepish grin* I’ve been delving back into my novel, which means much reading and researching. And seriously – the biography I just finished about Jeb Stuart? Amazing. From start to finish. The author did the most amazing job portraying who Jeb was through his letters, battle reports, and other first hand accounts. (Bit of trivia: he called himself “The Knight of the Golden Spurs.” Research that one and tell me why that was. ;) )
In connection with my book – I’ve been going back and actually getting to know my characters. You can read my blog posts here about the subject. It’s been amazing, but I’m finding that much of my book will have to be re-written. I mean, come on – if you start writing a whole book before you really know your characters, of course you’ll have to re-write most of it! Not very cheerful. But I will be able to keep the structure of my scenes – it’s just the interaction that’s all wrong.
We spent our Valentine’s Day eating heart-shaped doughnuts and drinking coffee at Starbucks. ;)
So…has this post made up for my long absence? =D